About Me/Contact Me!

I am Megan Noelle and “Fighting For You” is my second novel that I will publish but not the first I’ve written.  I have been writing since I was old enough to hold a pen and finally pursued my dream of becoming a novelist.  Writing is my passion and I am all for following one’s passions! One of my other passions is being a mom of my adorable daughter Peyton.  She has just hit the terrible twos and boy…what a joy!  When I’m not writing I’m a stay at home mom and a full time student in the typical major of “Undecided.”  All I know is if I can write, be with my daughter and my family—I will be happy!

1. Peanut Butter M&Ms and a Diet Coke is my favorite treat—ever.
2. I would someday love to write a book that Tim Burton wants to make into a movie!
3. I have a ridiculous addiction to Bride shows.
4. I have a terrible habit of wanting to dye my hair—every month.

5. I can listen to the same song on repeat dozens of time in a row and still not be sick of it. 


  1. Hi! I was reading Broken Forever and i really loved it! It was so emotional and full of feels. Nut one thing bothered me- how Grey kept slut shaming all the women Stefan has been- she called the women she had seen hanging around Stefan during their separation as sluts. First off she doesn't know them well enough to know if they are pass such harsh judgments but also even of they are promiscuous, whats wrong wit it? there's nothing wrong with casual sex as long as no is hurt and everything is honest! A women's worth is not determined by how men she has been with. Moreover that is extremely hypocritical- isn't Stefan just as bad for sleeping with them- he had a different women on his arm everyday so he is even more promiscuous!!! So why are the women called sluts and shamed for the very acts men get away with?

    1. also doesn't make grey a slut too- kissing another guy when she is engaged to another! unlike those other women, she actually cheating and hurting someone!!
